Schools Training & Skills
- Neuromuscular Therapy of the Cervical Neck, Shoulder and Arm. Lower Back and Abdomen, Hip, and Thigh, Lower Leg and Back with - Jeff Mahadeen
- Advanced Myofascial Release - Soft Tissue Mobilization with - Jeff Mahadeen
- Myofascial Mobilization and Treatment of the Cervical Spine - with Jeff Mahadeen
- Myofascial Mobilization of the Rotator Cuff- with Jeff Mahadeen
- Orthopedic Massage: (Evaluation and Treatment Upper Extremities Overused Disorders with - Whitney Lowe
- Muscle Energy Technique (MET) with DR, Leon Chaitow
- Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques Posture and Pain Specialist (MAT) with - Erik Dalton
- Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques Upper Body Specialist (MAT ) with - Erik Dalton
- Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques Lower Body Specialist (MAT) with - Erik Dalton
- Dynamic Body Myoskeletal Techniques For Low Back & leg (MAT) with- Erik Dalton
- Professional Ethics (MAT) Course with - Erik Dalton
- Anatomy Trains And Body Reading with -Tom Myers
- Integrated Manual Therapy and Orthopedic Massage Corrective Exercises for Pain Free Living and Performance Enhancement with - James Waslaski
- Integrative Manual Therapy and Orthopedic Massage to Eliminate Multiple Nerve Compression of the Lower Body with - James Waslaski
- Advanced Myofascial Techniques: Neck, Jaw & Head with - Til Luchau
- Releasing the Rotator Cuff with - Peggy Lamb
- Releasing the IIiopsoas with - Peggy Lamb
- Dynamic Stretching with - Darrell D-Lock Locket Athletic Trainer
- A Taste Of Thai Massage with - Tamara Kreen
- Advanced Anatomy & Pathology
*SeaCoast Career School
*Hesser College
*Muscular Wellness Institute
*Freedom From Pain Institute
*Institute for Integrative Healthcare
*Craniosacral Therapy Alliance
*Upledger institute international
*Zero Balancing Health Association
*American Bowen Academy