Holistic Healing Craniosacral and Therapeutic Massage
Returning to Balance and Harmony with Holistic Therapies
Wellness & Holistic Skills
CranioSacral Therapy l * Upledger Institute International with Karyn Quraishy Cst-D
CranioSacral Therapy I * Upledger Institute International with Susan Casco PT-Cst-D
CranioSacral Therapy 2 * Upledger Institute International with Mariann Sisco, PT, Cst-D
CranioSacral Therapy 2 * Upledger Institute International with Shyamala Strack, OTL, CsT- D
CranioSacral Therapy 2* Upledger Institute International with Michael Morgan, Cst-D
Somato Emotional Release (SER1) * Upledger Institute International with Suzanne Scurlock-Durana CST-D, CMT
Somato Emotional Release (SER2) * Upledger Institute International with Chas Perry, Ph.D, CST-D
CranioSacral Therapy Working with Chronic Depletion CSWCD with Eric Moya Cst-D, Ms/MFct
CranioSacral Therapy for Pediatrics 1 * Upledger Institute International with Binaifer Bugli PT.CST-D
CranioSacral Therapy for Pediatrics 2 * Upledger Institute International with Carol McLellann, CMT, CST-D
BE1 CranioSacral Therapy CST 1: Rhythm and Dural Tube with CranioSacral Therapy Alliance (2012)
BE2 CranioSacral Therapy CST 2: The Cranial Vaults with CranioSacral Therapy Alliance (2012)
BE3 CranioSacral Therapy CST 3: The Anterior Cranium with CranioSacral Therapy Alliance (2013)
SomatoEmotional Release (SER1) Elements 1 " Listen to the Body" with CranioSacral Therapy Alliance (2014)
SomatoEmotional Release (SER2) Elements 2 " Expression of the Body" with CranioSacral Therapy Alliance (2014)
Advanced CranioSacral Therapy Around Death and Dying (CADD) with CranioSacral Therapy Alliance (2014)
Advanced CranioSacral Therapy " The Witness Class" with CranioSacral Therapy Alliance (2015)
PNI and CST PsychoneuroImmunology & CranioSacral Therapy with Sheryl McGavin, OTL, CSTA-CP (2014)
Pediatric Considerations: PNI & CST. New Unfolding & New Anatomy with Sheryl McGavin, OTL, CSTA-CP (2014)
Advanced Concepts for Treating the Head, Neck & Shoulders: A 9-step Protocol to Reduce Pain & Dissipate Stress with Ken DiPersio, CST-T, BCS LMT (2013)
Zero Balancing 1 & 2 With Michelle Doucette, CZBP
Advanced Zero Balancing * Alchemy Of Touch with Michelle Doucette, CZBP
Advanced Zero Balancing * Freely Moveable Joints with Michelle Doucette, CZBP
Integrated Energy Therapy IET Basic Level, Intermediate & Advanced level Certified with Laura Haley (2017)
Integrated Energy Therapy IET Basic Level, Intermediate & Advanced Level Certified with Peter J. van Twuyver (2020)
Bowenwork Wellness Introduction with Cyndi Licht, PT, LMT
Bowenwork Modules 1 & 2 with Cyndi Litch ,PT, LMT
Bowenwork Modules 3 & 4 with Jonathan Damonte , Bowen Therapist & Homeopathic Physician
* My Healing Training
Shamballa ~ Master/Teacher
Usui Master/Teacher
Certified Healer Mentoring Program
Lightarian Healing Energy Master/Teacher
LaHo Chi Fundamental Introduction
Integrated Energy Advanced Practitioner
Angelic Reiki Practitioner
Holy Fire III Practitioner
Holy Fire III Master/Teacher
Karuna Master
* My Healing Shamanic Training with Eddie Mullins, Shamanic Way Walker, Healer, Teacher * Shamanic Visionary
* Egyptian Shaman
The Navigation Healing - Shamanic Mentoring program ( 2014 -2017 )
Illumination Body -3D Chakra Training
Illumination Body Healing Training ( 2015 - 2017)
The Divine Feminine Course" Discovering the layers of the Divine Light"
Christ Light Frequency Soul Body (feminine, masculine and infinitive love) Self-Love
A Cup of Healing Wisdom Chakra Class
Soul Ascension - 101 course
Sacred Quest Through the Back of the Heart & Cellular Soul Gateway
The Back of the Heart with Archangel Metatron
The Akashic Records, Fifth Dimension, Seven Dimension, back of the Heart
The Wild Soul - Shamanic Self Inquiry
The Journey to the Back of the Heart
Walking with the Sacred Powers Of The Empath
The Empowering Shamanic Spiritual Animal Courses
Embodiment The Reality of Love with God Consciousness
Embodiment Of Your Natural Stillness Presence in Humanity
Embodying Gaia's Code of Wisdom
Healing the Wounded Feminine and Masculine
Peruvian Medicine Wheel/Four Directions and Soul Ascension 101 * Traveling Through the Ascension Path Course
Calling of the Soul
Spirit Animal Hawk- the Sacred Messenger and Healer
Wolf Medicine
The Shamanic Spirit Power Animal Wolf
Certified Assertiveness Coach Training through Hay House and Doreen Virtue
Emotional Freedom Techniques * EFT (Meridian Tapping) with Cross Country Education